Top Page > Company Information > Sustainability | Company Overview

Company Information

  • GCI Group’s commitment to SDGs
  • Initiatives for shareholders
  • Initiatives for our customers
  • Environmental initiatives
  • Initiatives for local communities
  • Initiatives for employee, and other initiatives


Inquiries regarding company information accepted via phone and e-mail.

Head Office
700 Shukuorui-machi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-0032, Japan
TEL +81-27-353-1818

Inquiries/Requests for Materials

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GCI Group basic philosophy ~Sustainability in the GCI Group~

Under our basic philosophy of “contributing to a better society by creating solutions with our accumulated knowledge and ideas about chemicals, we at the GCI Group endeavor to build robust relationships of trust with our stakeholders in line with the following policies, working actively to deliver solutions to sustainability issues”.

  • ・ We will aim to help build a recycling-based society and protect the global environment.
  • ・ We will comply with all laws and regulations, social norms, and company rules and regulations to conduct fair and open business activities.
  • ・ We will endeavor to create a comfortable workplace for our employees through respect for fundamental human rights and diversity and fair evaluations of performance.
  • ・ We will strive continually to improve product quality and productivity, while ensuring safety.
  • ・ We will aim to promote a healthy prosperous society, actively contributing to social activities.

Activities categorized according to stakeholders

To make the significance of our corporate activities easy to understand, the articles on our activities contained within this website are linked to icons representing the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations Summit of September 2015.

Inquiries regarding company information

Head Office
700 Shukuorui-machi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-0032, Japan
TEL +81-27-353-1818

Inquiries/Requests for Materials