Company Information
Inquiries regarding company information accepted via phone and e-mail.
Head Office
700 Shukuorui-machi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-0032, Japan
TEL +81-27-353-1818

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for shareholders

Through the fair and timely disclosure of appropriate corporate information, we work to ensure the transparency of our business activities and achieve continual increases in corporate value.
From the GCI Group CSR Policy “Shareholders and Investors”

General meeting of shareholders
To ensure that our shareholders have sufficient time to consider proposals put before our general meeting of shareholders, we send convocation notices out early and publish the convocation notices on our website prior to sending them out.
We also hold an informal get together for shareholders after the conclusion of the general meeting of shareholders so that we can hear shareholders’ opinions directly.

Shareholder returns
We make every possible effort to maximize shareholder value, executing the required investments for growth in the overseas expansion of our business, in research and development, and in our production facilities in order to maximize our corporate value over the medium to long-term, while ensuring stable shareholder returns. The company may acquire treasury stock at the appropriate time, with regard to the market environment and capital efficiency considerations.
Communication with shareholders
We strive to achieve interactive communication through dialogues with our shareholders. Specifically, we have established a contact organization for shareholders at Corporate Division to facilitate sufficient communication with them. The organization works under the supervision of the responsible director.

Information disclosure
We placed the upmost importance on the timely and appropriate disclosure of accurate corporate information.
Where information is subject to timely disclosure regulations, we register and publish the information with the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) operated by the TSE. After registering the information with TDnet, we quickly move to disclose the information on our corporate website.