Top Page > Company Information > Initiatives for our customers | Sustainability

Company Information

  • GCI Group’s commitment to SDGs
  • Initiatives for shareholders
  • Initiatives for our customers
  • Environmental initiatives
  • Initiatives for local communities
  • Initiatives for employee, and other initiatives


Inquiries regarding company information accepted via phone and e-mail.

Head Office
700 Shukuorui-machi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-0032, Japan
TEL +81-27-353-1818

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2.Initiatives for our customers


We deliver high-quality products and services while listening continually to the opinions of our customers, engaging in fair and highly transparent business activities.

From the GCI Group CSR Policy “Our customers”

Quality initiatives
Quality policy
  • 1.All of our employees are aware of the role and importance of their own work in achieving the satisfaction and trust of customers, and strive to conduct the best possible quality improvement activities.
  • 2.Under a basic policy of refusing to accept, produce or release inferior products, we conduct process assurance throughout the company.
  • 3.Share the same values throughout the GCI group, and work to improve quality assurance systems throughout Group, including at our partner companies.

Kiichiro Arita,
President & CEO
Gun Ei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd

  • 12.つくる責任つかう責任
【Quality management system】
Name of certificationISO9001:2015
Date of acquisitionMay 1998
Scope of certificationDevelopment and Manufacture of below items;
1. Resin products for electronic materials
2. Resin products for castings
3. Phenolic resin products for friction materials
4. Basic chemical products (Formalin, Bisphenol F)
5. Phenolic resin fiber
6. Industrial phenolic resin products
Certified offices or plantsGunma plant, Shiga plant
Certification body/registrarDNV
Certification number5993-2004-AQ-KOB-RvA
■ Frameworks for promoting quality management systems

The company president has ultimate responsibility for quality management. Under the supervision of the Chief Quality Officer, all of our employees adhere to our quality management systems. Every month we hold a quality assurance committee meeting, aiming to further improve the quality of our products and services.

  • 12.つくる責任つかう責任
Food safety initiatives

In addition to our certified quality management system, we have also received certification (FSSC22000) for our food safety management system. FSSC22000 is an internationally recognized food safety certification approved by the GFSI (a food safety promotion body supported by companies and organizations in different industries around the world).
The GCI Group is committed to the continued practice of the food safety management required under FSSC22000 as we strive daily to provide our customers with safety and peace of mind.

Food safety policy
  • 1.We supply saccharified products that satisfy our customers, leading to improve trust in our business.
  • 2.We comply with all laws, regulations and regulatory demands in connection with food products, as well as the demands of our customers.
  • 3.We place utmost priority on food safety and practice process assurance.
  • 4.We make use of food safety management systems and continually implement improvements.
  • 5.We communicate smoothly with parties inside and outside the company, disclosing information appropriately in a timely manner.

Kiichiro Arita,
President & CEO
Gun Ei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd

  • 2.Zero Hunger
  • 12.つくる責任つかう責任
【Food safety management systems】
Name of certificationFSSC 22000 Version 5.1
Date of acquisitionOctober 2013
Scope of certificationManufacture of glucose & starch products (normal, chilled and frozen) for Food Sector / Food Industries. Category CII, CIV, K
Certified offices or plantsGunma plant
Certification body/registrarDNV
Certification number143394-2013-FSMS-JPN-RvA

*DNV is an organization that provides third-party certifications. Every year our company undergoes a third-party audit by DNV to maintain the certification, striving for further improvement of the quality of our products and services.

Inquiries regarding company information

Head Office
700 Shukuorui-machi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-0032, Japan
TEL +81-27-353-1818

Inquiries/Requests for Materials